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100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them


If you're a Go developer looking to improve your skills, the 100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them book is for you. With a focus on practical examples, this book covers a wide range of topics from concurrency and error handling to testing and code organization. You'll learn to write more idiomatic, efficient, and maintainable code and become a proficient Go developer.

Read a summary of the 100 mistakes or the first chapter.

Quotes and Ratings

Krystian (Goodreads user)

This is an exceptional book. Usually, if a book contains either high-quality explanations or is written succinctly, I consider myself lucky to have found it. This one combines these two characteristics, which is super rare. It's another Go book for me and I still had quite a lot of "a-ha!" moments while reading it, and all of that without the unnecessary fluff, just straight to the point.

Akash Chetty

The book is completely exceptional, especially the examples carved out for each topic are really great. There is one topic that I struggled to understand is Concurrency but the way it is explained in this book is truly an art of genius.

Neeraj Shah

This should be the required reading for all Golang developers before they touch code in Production... It's the Golang equivalent of the legendary 'Effective Java' by Joshua Bloch.

Anupam Sengupta

Not having this will be the 101st mistake a Go programmer could make.

Manning, Goodreads, and Amazon reviews: 4.7/5 avg rating

Where to Buy?

  • 100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them (🇬🇧 edition: paper, digital, or audiobook)

  • Go言語100Tips 開発者にありがちな間違いへの対処法 (🇯🇵 edition: paper or digital)

  • 100个Go语言典型错误 (🇨🇳 edition: paper or digital)

  • Go 100가지 실수 패턴과 솔루션 (🇰🇷 edition: paper or digital)

Covers (English, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean)

About the Author

Teiva Harsanyi is a senior software engineer at Google. He has worked in various domains, including insurance, transportation, and safety-critical industries like air traffic management. He is passionate about Go and how to design and implement reliable systems.